

The 1st Russian State
Under Vladimir's reign I, the territory extends and in 988, him(it) converted to the orthodox Christianity, which becomes State religion and one of the factors(mailmen) of the Russian national unity(unit). From the XIIth century, after a long period of internal instability because of the inheritance divisions(sharings) between the descendants of Vladimir, the principality of Kiev splits over the years, whereas Coumans replaces and assimilate Pétchénègues to the South. The Slavic population extends towards the northeast and of numerous spa town news(short story) is so create, among whom(which) Moscow in 1147. Brooks ' (Russian state) then gives way to about fifteen principalities of which Moscovie.
The princes who manage these principalities reign over a mass of farmers in this time(period) generally free, and living in parishes, and the armies of the princes, trained(formed) by these same farmers, are framed(supervised) by boyars, in which the princes donate lands and who will become gradually landowners. Boyars tend to require(demand) farmers more and more duties(chores) and taxes, and to maintain them on the earth(ground) rather than to send them to the war. The principality of Vladimir-Souzdal and especially the republic of Novgorod both placed in the North of the principality of Kiev are going to take advantage of their independence to develop. This leads has easy one tataro-Mongolian invasion.
The Mongolian invasion
In 1226, a warlike nomadic people come from Mongolia, conscript Tataro-Mongols by the Russians, attacks(affects) the principalities. Between 1237 and 1242, the khan Batou, grandson of Gengis Khan, undone one after the other the armies of the princes and burned the main cities, among which Kiev and Moscow. Mongol do not occupy the defeated territories but the principalities have to pay levy and recognize the suzerainty of the Mongols who a State in the South of the Volga: the Golden troop. This submission will come to an end only three centuries later.
The moscovie
Of the XIIIth in the XVIth century, one of these principalities, Moscovie, managed by skillful princes, annexes gradually all the others to become Russia. Prince Dimitri Donskoï overcomes first time the Mongols in the battle of Koulikovo ( 1380 ). Gone(taken) up on the throne in 1462, Ivan III frees(releases) Moscovie from the yoke of the Mongols the empire of which is henceforth split up in several khanats, then absorbs the main still independent Russian principalities the title of which Novgorod ( 1478 ) .En on 1485, Ivan III takes of " sovereign of every Brooks ' ", wishing to show his(her) will to reconstitute all the Vladimir's inheritance. At the end of the reign of Ivan III the territory of Moscovie quadrupled. His(her) son Vassili III ( 1505-1533 ) pursues the territorial extension by annexing the city(estate) - state of Pskov ( 1510 ) and the principality of Riazan ( 1521 ) as well as Smolensk ( 1514 ). Ivan IV says " the Terrible ", first prince to be indicated(appointed) under czar's title (derived of Caesar(César)), completes these conquests by seizing the khanat of Kazan in 1552 and that of Astrakhan, but in 1556 but he(it) loses the access to the Baltic Sea in front of a coalition of the Swedish Empire with Poland and Lithuania. Henceforth the expansion of Russia eastward does not have serious obstacle anymore. Ivan IV le Terrible considers then as the unique(only) heir of Vladimir, although he does not possess the city of Kiev.
The war against Poland and Sweden ( 1558-1583 ) finishes by the defeat of Russia, which aimed at an outlet towards the Baltic Sea. In 1571, the khan of Crimea burns Moscow, but in the next year the Tartars of Crimea are overcome not far from Moscow in the battle of Molodi. The extension of the serfdom (lack of hand of work) provokes the flight(leak) of the farmers towards the walking(steps) of the empire (we call them Cossacks: Turkish word which means "escapee"), which(who) get organized in republic. Certain groups of Cossacks become riders and sailors(browsers). They are tolerated by the Czars as far as they serve the empire by conquering new lands in the East. It is the conquest of Siberia by the ataman Ermak and his(her) Cossacks. The Poles attack(affect) Russia by the West in 1605. They occupy same Moscow because lla Russia is weakened by an economic crisis. The noble Russians offer then the crown of Russia to the son of king of Poland, prince Vladisdas. But a popular uprising goes hunting the Poles of Moscow, and Michel ( Mikhaïl ) Romanov becomes a czar of all the Russian principalities and a dynasty which will continue until 1917.
The Russian empire
During the XVIIIth century, Peter the Great ( 1682-1725 ), at the price(prize) of a long war with Sweden, obtains an access to the Baltic Sea; he(it) makes build Saint-Petersburg which becomes the new capital in 1712, so symbolizing the opening of the country towards Europe. A powerful metallurgy industry, the first one(night) of West in the time(period), is built in Ural and allows to support the war effort. On November 2nd, 1721, Pierre takes the title the title of " Emperor of all Russia ", which replaced czar's traditional title which was granted(tuned) to him(her) up to there. Catherine II of Russia ( 1762-1796 ), autocrat lit(enlightened), finishes the conquest of steppes situated by the sea Black having undone the Ottoman empire and the khanat of Crimea and push away(repel) westward the borders of the Russian empire thanks to the division(sharing) of Poland. The Cossacks occupy gradually Siberia and reach(affect) the Pacific Ocean in 1640. Alaska are investigated in the 1740s.

A code promulgated in 1649 binds(connects) henceforth the farmer and his descendants to the earth(ground) and to his owner generalizing the serfdom, to the nonsense of the evolution of the status of the farmer in Western Europe. In return, the landowners are forced to serve their sovereign. The dissatisfaction of the farmers and the rising class of workers, exploited(run) by their owners and heavily taxed by the tax system of a State rapidly expanding activate(start) in XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries numerous peasant revolts the most important of which put the trone in danger. The Church in the time(period) plays an essential role in the Russian company(society) and possesses more than two thirds of lands. The reform of the Russian orthodox dogma by the patriarch Nikon ( 1653 ) is at the origin of the schism of the old men - believers severely repressed.



The modernization
Peter the Great then Catherine II make come a large number of German colonists (for example the Germans of the Volga) of craftsmen(architects) and learned often German Westerners, to modernize the country, to build industries and to throw(cast) the foundations of the establishments of education(teaching) and distribution(broadcasting) of the knowledge. The bases of the Russian literary language(tongue) are defined by Mikhaïl Lomonossov. The first newspapers are published in this time(period). The Russian nobility westernizes, especially under the influence of the German philosophy and the French language, and some of his(her) members will be enthused over the ideas of the Lights (Catherine II corresponded with Voltaire and received Diderot in his(her) court(yard)), and sometimes even of the French Revolution.
The Russian empire plays a decisive role during the napoleonic wars which are going to transform her(it) into European power. Moved as all the European sovereigns by an ideology preservative(conservative) and thus hostile to the ideas of the French Revolution, the czar participates in two coalitions against Napoleon and wipes(suffers) expensive defeats. The big army of Napoleon reaches the price(prize) of fights been incensed to seize Moscow but has to leave(restart) it hunted(chased away) by the fire of the city. The Russian armies harass then an enemy decimated by the hunger and the cold and, in 1814, they occupy Paris. Alexandre I plays a major role in the Holy Alliance which wants to manage the fate of Europe comment napoleonic: he(it) opposes to the reconstruction of the Polish State and participates militarily in the repression of the uprisings against the monarchies.
Under its reign and that of his(her) successors, the Russian empire pursues its expansion in the Caucasus and towards the mouths of the Danube to the detriment of the Persian and Ottoman empires. Georgia joins voluntarily the empire in 1801. The oriental part(party) of the principality of Moldavia (vassal of the Ottoman Empire) is annexed in 1812 and trains(forms) the goubernia of Bessarabie. Armenia, Dagestan and a part(party) of Azerbaijan are annexed in 1813 to the term of a conflict of four years with the Persian empire. In the death of Alexandre ( 1825 ), reformist officers, the décembristes, lift up themselves in vain to ask for a reform of the monarchy. This attempt of officers' uprising stemming from the aristocracy is going to serve also as model to numerous Russian intellectuals during the century following, inspired by the philosophy of Hegel or Kropotkine.In 1829 the Russian Empire is given up by the Ottoman Empire. Nicolas Ier benefits from a good economic growth, but strengthens the repressive device. He(it) crushes violently an uprising armed with Poland ( 1831 ). The decline of the Ottoman empire, which instigates the greeds of the European powers, is at the origin of a conflict between Russia and other European powers, Great Britain in head: the Crimean War. Undone in Sevastopol ( 1856 ), Alexandre II, the successor of Nicolas, has to give up the South of Bessarabie with the Mouths of the Danube, and loses rights of way between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. A last victorious conflict with the Ottoman Empire ( 1878 ) allows him(her) to find an access to the Danube and completes the conquest of the Caucasus.
The industry develops especially in appearances(mines) and textile(textile industry) but stands back very with regard to England and to Germany (approximately 600 000 workers by 1860). A new class of storekeepers and small manufacturers - often of former(ancient) serfs freed(released) by repurchase - appears, but its staff are relatively a few.
The education(teaching) spreads in the easiest(most well-to-do) classes and numerous colleges are based(established). The Russian literature knows a first blooming(self-fulfillment) with writers major as Tourgueniev, Tolstoï, Pushkin or Gogol who show agonies of the Russian company(society). This cultural development also extends in the architecture and in the music ( Glinka).

The country, which extends henceforth over 12,5 million km ² and counts 60 million inhabitants, is handicaped by its archaic functioning. Structural reforms are organized by the czar: the most important measure is the abolition of the serfdom ( 1861 ) which includes the allocation(attribution) to the former(ancient) serf of an earth(ground), often too small to feed him(it), at the price(prize) of a long-term debts towards the State. Local advice(council) elected in the census suffrage - Zemstvos - is created as from 1864: endowed to be able to allowing them to manage the local business(affairs) and to build roads, schools and hospitals, they can raise taxes to finance them.Finally the legal code introduces the procedures of charge and defense and creates a justice in theory independent from the power up to the level of the district. The diet(regime) keeps(preserves) nevertheless an autocratic and strongly police character. The reforms are moreover going to instigate the violence of groups of nihilist intellectuals and Alexandre will eventually fall under their knocks ( 1881 ). Under its reign, the empire pursued its colonial expansion in Central Asia: after the annexation of the lands of the Kazakhs finished in 1847, three khanats of the Uzbek territory (Kokand, Bukhara and Khiva) are conquered during three decades following then annexed or placed under protectorate ( 1876 ). This advance(overhang) places the limits of the Russian empire near the British empire in India. The tension ( Big Game(Set,Play)) between both countries is going to remain very lively until an agreement is found in 1907 ( English-Russian agreement(convention)).

When he(it) rises on the throne in 1881, Alexandre III leads in reaction to the murder of his father a politics(policy) of against reforms. The authoritarian capacities(measures) are maintained or strengthened: the political parties and the labor unions(syndicates) are forbidden, the right(law) of traffic(circulation) is limited, the press is censored. On the economic plan, the industry quickly develops grace(favor), among others, in the foreign investments and in the construction of a railroad network which reaches(affects) 30 000 km in 1890. But the plentiful workforce loosened(kicked away) by the abolition of the serfdom and the population growth does not completely find to be used in the industry (3 million workers in 1913).Numerous farmers come to colonize the virgin lands of the empire situated in the South and the East (lower valley of the Volga, Ural, Siberia) of the empire. The Trans-Siberian railway, a first section of which is realized between 1891 and 1901 to open up the immense territories of Siberia, facilitates this migration, whereas at the same time as the French-Russian Alliance(Wedding ring) the financing of the industrialization is mainly made by the Russian loans come especially from France. The agriculture(farming) always has an overwhelming(crushing) weight: in 1897 Russia counts 97 million farmers for a total population of 127 million inhabitants. These do not generally possess the lands which they cultivate (25 % will be owners in 1914). The literacy rate is very low(weak) and the infant mortality is raised(brought up) (approximately 180 out of 1000).



The revolution and the 1st world war
It activates(starts) the first uprising generalized by the Russian population against the diet(regime). The revolution of 1905 is at first a peasant movement which affects(touches) essentially the region of the black lands. The workers join(contact) the movement afterward. The loyalty of armed forces is going to save the diet(regime). Nicolas II, who rose on the throne in 1894, is obliged to give wages of opening.
Russia enters the war against Germany and Autriche-Hongrie in 1914 to help in Serbia, his(her) ally. The Russian empire activates(starts) an offensive in oriental Poland but is severely beaten. The Russian troops have to abandon(give up) Poland. At the beginning of 1917 burst social movements, aroused by the weight of the war on the economy, the losses on a forehead(front) reduced to a defensive strategy, the instability of the leaders(managers) and the mistrust towards the czar, hostile to any reform. The refusal of the troops to repress demonstrations(appearances) and tiredness of ruling classes oblige czar Nicolas II to abdicate; so burst the Revolution of February, 1917 and Russia becomes a republic.A Provisional Government is then constituted, chaired by Alexandre Kerenski. While sketching reforms, this one tries nevertheless to meet the commitments of Russia towards his(her) allies by pursuing the war. The unpopularity of this last measure is exploited(run) by the party of the Bolsheviks which, on October 25th, 1917 (in the Julian calendar(timetable)), overturns the government in Saint-Petersburg by weapons .Une civil war sets five years the "whites" (republican or monarchic), assisted by the western powers, to the Bolsheviks. After their victory, December 22nd, 1922, Bolsheviks establish the Union of the Soviet socialist republics (USSR)
From 1918 till 1921, Russia and nearby countries are plunged into the civil war, during which the white Russians (tsarist or republican), the freedom fighters of the various nationalities, the Czechoslovak legion trained(formed) by the former(ancient) Austria-Hungary war prisoners, the anarchists of Makhno and the armies of France, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States, opposed to the Red Army organized by Trotsky until 1921. This last one takes him(it), partially thanks to the internal dissensions which disrupt his(her) opponents.
The civil war urged Politburo to decree the "war communism", the essential measures of which are:
  • Nationalization of light industries, small business sector(crafts) and business(trade);
  • Strategic production of a way centralized by the government;
  • Strict discipline for the workers (the strikers could be shot);
  • Compulsory work of the farmers;
  • Ban on any shape of private enterprise;
  • Requisition of the agricultural production, often beyond the minimum living wage for the farmers (famines);
  • Rationing and centralization of food serving.


Certain elements of the Soviet diet(regime) are also set up in this time(period):
  • The soldiers of the Red Army, recruited at first on the basis of bonuses(premiums), undergo then the conscription;
  • Implementation of a political police and special courts, asked to stop(arrest) and to judge the enemies of the diet(regime);
  • The communist party becomes unique party;
  • The censorship of the press and the radio, which(who) fall to the hands of the party;
  • The IIIth International (or Komintern) becomes the instrument of the power. The foreign communist parties must be enfeoffed in Moscow and obey blindly.

The revolutions of 1919 in Germany and in Hungary, as well as the strikes in most of the European countries remind the Soviet citizens that the Revolution becomes world. But the destruction of Spartakistes and the resignation of Bela Kun end these hopes.

Thanks to the war communism, Lenin and the communist party succeed in remaining in the power. They take away(gain) the civil war and the danger of a monarchic restoration(catering) is spread(pushed aside). In the term of the civil war, a terrible famine ravages Russia between 1921 and 1922, causing several million deaths. The causes of this famine are complex: drought, requisitions imposed by the various camps during the previous years, disorganization of campaigns(countrysides) following the war and the agrarian reforms, the deportation in the Gulag of numerous workers, blockade of the allied countries. Russia is traumatized by the experience(experiment) of the civil war: the production collapses, numerous engineers, technicians, officers, jurists, men of letters and teachers died during the war or deported in the Gulag. This heavy inheritance will mark the functioning of the USSR until its collapse.

The Second World War bled the USSR (more than 20 million victims whose majority of civilians) and destroy a good part(party) of its industrial installations and its cities. Immediate post-war year is a period of reconstruction. The country finds its level of pre-war industrial production then the double(copy) in 1952. The nuclear industry develops, with the creation of the complex nuclear power Maïak. THE USSR makes its first nuclear test in 1949, so reaching to the rank of second world nuclear power.

At the same time, the personality cult is carried(worn) in its height by Stalin. After the death of this one in 1953, Nikita Khrouchtchev reaches the power and denounces(cancels) the excesses of his(her) predecessor. On the internal plan begin a period of relative prosperity; the rights of the citizens are better respected, it is the beginning of a certain liberalization.THE USSR amazes the world by its advance in the spatial domain by sending into orbit the first Sputnik and by sending it Youri Gagarine, first man in the space. On the international plan, the USSR widens its influence with numerous Third World countries and reaches by massive investments in the armament to be neck and neck with the United States, in particular in the nuclear domain and the ballistic missiles. This period of cold war is translated by numerous conflicts or tensions almost everywhere in the world between both superpowers and their allies. The crisis of Cuba in 1962 nearly degenerates into a nuclear conflict. The tension between both superpowers is bigger in 1979 following the invasion of Afghanistan and Ronald Reagan's arrival to the presidency(chair) of the United States in 1980.



The end of the USSR
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev comes to power in 1985 by taking the head of the PCUS with the will to reform the diet(regime) to fight(dispute) the economic stagnation and the remainders of the Stalinism, but its reforms give results(profits) rather reserved. The perestroika ( economic restructuring) did not reach(affect) the expected objectives having deteriorated(aggravated) the shortages of consumer goods and the social inequalities entrainant a popular dissatisfaction, whereas a democratization of the diet(regime), begun(primed) with the glasnost (transparency), activates(starts) inter-ethnic conflicts and the rise(ascent) of the nationalisms, badly perceived(collected) by the Russians.
From 1989, the USSR already begins to lose foot on the international plan with the German reunification, the fall of the Berlin Wall or still the withdrawal of Soviet troops of Afghanistan. For the first time since the beginning of the Soviet days, free elections take place, the political parties are authorized in 1990. This opening is especially the opportunity(occasion) for the peoples of the various nationalities composing the USSR to show their wishes of sovereignty.
On December 21st, 1991, the PCUS is dissolved by Mikhaïl Gorbatchev and the USSR collapses: the republics which established(constituted) her(it) take their independence, the CAEM (Council(Advise) of Mutual Economic assistance) created in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact ( 1955 ) are not any more. Russia, which establishes(constitutes) the historic pit(core), resumes(takes back) of the former(ancient) world major power three quarters of its territory, more than half his(her) population, two thirds of its industry and half of its agricultural production. Main heiress of the USSR, her occupies henceforth her place(square) in the international institutions, the permanent seat(siege) of which in the United Nations Security Council, but also assumes(accepts) the financial liabilities(passive) of the former(ancient) USSR. A political and economic union, the CIS, is based(established) in 1991 to try to maintain links privileged between countries stemming from the USSR.